Our Aim's
Playaway Pre-school aims to provide a safe, warm, friendly and child oriented environment. Young children can learn through play and exploration, building positive relationships and friendships by developing their social skills. By working in partnership with parents/carers, we aim to provide stimulating and challenging environment for young children. Children can have fun, talk and learn together, developing as happy, confident and independent individuals within our community.
Working in Partnership with Parents. The pre-school actively encourages parent involvement and contributions to your child's learning and development, such as 'Thai cooking', home/school activity books for holiday periods, home/school soft toy and diary. Children and parents alike join us for the 'BIG Toddle' to the local park and regular visit's to the local library.
Every child is allocated a key person before they start pre-school with us although this may be changed after arrival should they gain a greater bond with another member of staff. The role of the key person is very beneficial to both the child and the parent.
Parents always have the opportunity to review their child's learning diaries and share comments with us. The staff are available at the beginning and end of sessions for parents to communicate their thoughts and feelings outside of parent evenings.
Learning in the Community
The children enjoy visits to the local supermarket and surrounding shops to purchase snacks and items required for the pre-school. We encourage parents and invite visitors to talk to the children about their occupations, such plumber, garden developers and road safety. We are privileged to have a professional music teacher to support their learning of singing and rhythm and beat with musical instruments.
Working in Partnership with Parents. The pre-school actively encourages parent involvement and contributions to your child's learning and development, such as 'Thai cooking', home/school activity books for holiday periods, home/school soft toy and diary. Children and parents alike join us for the 'BIG Toddle' to the local park and regular visit's to the local library.
Every child is allocated a key person before they start pre-school with us although this may be changed after arrival should they gain a greater bond with another member of staff. The role of the key person is very beneficial to both the child and the parent.
- The key person ensures the child settles into the pre-school, maintaining and updating the child's learning diaries and most importantly supporting their learning and development.
- Parents have the opportunity at parent evenings to discuss with the key person the child's progress twice a year.
Parents always have the opportunity to review their child's learning diaries and share comments with us. The staff are available at the beginning and end of sessions for parents to communicate their thoughts and feelings outside of parent evenings.
Learning in the Community
The children enjoy visits to the local supermarket and surrounding shops to purchase snacks and items required for the pre-school. We encourage parents and invite visitors to talk to the children about their occupations, such plumber, garden developers and road safety. We are privileged to have a professional music teacher to support their learning of singing and rhythm and beat with musical instruments.
Early Years Foundation Stage at Playaway At Playaway Pre-school
We aim to provide a broad, balanced and challenging educational programme which meets the individual needs of each child's age and stage of development. Practitioners are guided by The Early Years Foundation Stage to deliver a curriculum based on the four key themes:
The Early Years Foundation Stage is divided into the following seven areas:
- Unique Child - every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured
- Positive Relationships - children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person
- Enabling Environments - the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children's development and learning
- Learning and Development - children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and inter-connected
- (DCSF, 2007:05)
The Early Years Foundation Stage is divided into the following seven areas:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design